Instead, navigate to: /.matlab and then enter the appropriate R20XXxlicenses folder. If you are using a MATLAB version older then R2016b, your license files are located in a different directory. In the folder that opens up, your license files are stored in the 'R20XXxlicenses' folder, where R20XXx is the release of MATLAB you are using, e.g. Select 'Go to Folder ' and enter this: /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB/ where $USER is the username you use to login to your computer. Click on the Finder icon in your dock (the blue face) and go to the 'Go' menu in the menu bar. MacOS: Individual licenses License files are stored in the Application Support directory.

MatLab network license - Deprecated, see Distrilog You need to be in the sudoers group to do this! You need first to close Matlab, then download the network license here: Open a 'Terminal' (Applications-Utilities-Terminal) and delete the standalone license (if you have one): sudo rm /Applications/MATLABXXXXX.app/licenses/.lic (MATLABRXXXXX is your MatLab version) Move the network license file in the MatLab 'licenses' folder: sudo mv network.lic /Applications/MATLABXXXXX.app/licenses/ Finally change the owner and mode: sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /Applications/MATLABXXXXX.app/licenses/network.lic sudo chmod 544 /Applications/MATLABXXXXX.app/licenses/network.lic Enjoy! MatLab standalone license Go on this page: (XX is your MatLab version) For example: MatLab 7.9: MatLab 7.11: On this web page: 1) Accept the license 2) Choose your operating system 3) Choose standalone license 4) Write down the File Installation Key and the Activation Key to activate MatLab. The network license do not need to renew. We use the network license for computers always connected on EPFL network (desktops and servers). For laptop, we use a standalone license, but it must be renew each year before February 1st. Depending on your needs, you can use a network or standalone license.